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Supporting people through adversity: Positive Vibes Only

by Mark Edmondson
Published 06/04/2023
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Supporting people through adversity

It’s nearly been 3 months since I launched Positive Vibes Only, a service set up to support people navigating adversity with a specific focus on cancer. I set out with one key objective, to support and help people shift their mindset through the challenges they are facing and create positive energy around the issue by utilising awareness, perspective and appreciation amongst other strategies.

Positive Vibes Only

Positive Vibes Only
There is always trepidation around launching your own business, will people be interested? Does it work? Can I make a living from it? The answer in my case is yes (or so far, at least…). The interest and support I have had from people wanting me to help them have been incredible, from individuals to businesses and charities, I feel very privileged and fortunate to be able to support someone through something like cancer.

I am now helping people from all walks of life embrace new ways of thinking, new outlooks and new attitudes. People who felt they had nowhere left to turn, suddenly feel like they have hope and belief, that change is possible and that these seemingly insurmountable problems can be managed. Helping people view grief differently, view their cancer diagnosis or other life-changing illnesses, now feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can’t fix the problem, sadly. But based on my own experience of being told I have less than a year left to live and still sitting here, writing this blog nearly 6 years on, has taught me that no matter the problem, with the right support, belief and mental approach, anything is possible.
One of the aforementioned clients has been living with a life-changing illness for over 10 years, but during that time it has become harder and harder to live the life they are striving for and negativity, worry and anxiety have crept in: starting each day in pain and not sure how they’ll get through the day, be a good parent and spouse, deliver at work and manage their pain and fatigue.

We worked on shifting that mindset from feeling like a victim and accepting the situation, to working through the struggles and acknowledging the upside by using awareness and perspective. They had healthy children, and a supportive partner, they were still able to hold down a job and we worked on understanding what value that brought them. We also spent time reflecting on others who have been less fortunate than them, those that have suffered from the same disease and acknowledging how well they were managing. Building up a greater resilience to the problem.
Mark with his family
Resilience is not a question of choice, but of layers, layers of support. By being more open and adding more people to your support network, you garner more help and varied help, which allows you to feel supported through a greater variety of situations.

Furthermore, we have worked through the removal of negative energy, are the relationships or environments that create anxiety, guilt, stress or worry, could we look at changing those or even removing them?

We added the concept that you should do one thing a day focused purely on them, something that reminds them what it is to live and love life.

Resilience is not a question of choice
Whilst we are still on our journey together, they have already acknowledged the positive change.

They are already seeing huge improvements in mood, and in their relationships and they now feel more motivated and more optimistic about the present and the future.

There are plenty of other tips or examples of some of the work and strategies I implement, so to find out more please visit to read my full story and understand my service offering.

Thanks for your support when I launched and thanks again for reading my latest blog, it is really appreciated.

Better mental health for all

Remember, better mental health for all starts with a conversation about a feeling or an emotion, explore it and see where it takes you, it changed my life and truthfully it saved my life.

There is no greater testament!
Better mental health for all starts with a conversation
Check out our previous blogs here.

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