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Charity Spotlight: MS Society

by Richard Howlett
Published 23/05/2022
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Here on we like to spotlight a different charity every month in one of our blogs. On last month’s blog a user of left us a comment suggesting that we spotlight MS Society and all the great work that they do, so we thought that we would do just that.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. With MS, the immune system attacks the coating that protects your nerves, and this causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. This could cause issues with your vision, balance, memory, or even your emotions.

Over 130,000 people in the UK live with multiple sclerosis. MS is most commonly diagnosed in people in their 20s - 40s, although it can develop at any age, and it is about 2 to 3 times more common in women than men.

What do the MS Society do to help?

There are different types of MS, and each type can affect the individual in different ways, with a combination of many different symptoms. For some cases, research has found treatments that work, but for others there is no current treatment to stop their MS getting worse.

It is the MS Society’s mission to find treatments for every type of MS, and to transform the lives of everyone suffering with this disease. Through research and clinical trials they believe that they can be in the final stages of testing a range of treatments for everyone with MS by 2025, but they cannot do it without our help.
  • A donation of £30 could process one blood sample and help researchers find crucial information that will help them create a new treatment.
  • A donation of £50 could pay for an hour on a microscope, allowing highly skilled scientists to study cells and tissue in greater detail.
  • A donation of £100 could pay for half an hour of MRI use, a crucial piece of equipment used in clinical trials.
These breakthroughs do not come cheaply, so it is vital that we spread awareness of what Multiple Sclerosis is, and what the MS Society is doing to help.

Here on we provide a platform for people to raise money in memory of a loved one, just like the friends and family of Charles Ellis George Esdaile have done, raising £750 for MS Society in his honour.

Again, if anyone has a suggestion of a charity that we could spotlight next month, whether it is a big national organisation or a small local charity, then please do let us know in the comments below.
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