We are Wolstenholme Funeral Directors in Accrington. We want nothing more than to help make things a little easier for you during a difficult time. We are here to give you our help and guidance, as we arrange a funeral service to commemorate the life of your loved one.
We will spend as much time as you need as we help you through any decisions, giving you as much choice as possible so your loved one's farewell is special and unique. We will listen to your thoughts with care and compassion, treating you as if you were a member of our own family.
We are always here for you and can talk to you 24 hours a day. Please give us a call as soon as you need us.
- Advice and guidance at every step, including registering the death
- Arrangements that are tailored to meet your family's needs
- Local expertise and knowledge
- Cremation or burial at any local crematorium or burial site
- Funeral services of all faiths and cultures
- Viewing of the deceased in the chapel of rest