JamesWEAVERPassed away suddenly on 26th January in the Friarage Hospital after a very short illness, aged 76 years.
Much loved and devoted Husband of Freda, loved Dad of Mark and Jen, loved Grandpops of Annalise and Jenna. Master of Oscar and Great Grandpops to Jenna's cats William, Maisie and Blue.
Funeral service will take place on Wednesday 19th February at Kirkleatham Crematorium at 2.00pm.
Please wear something colourful as Harry did love colour and his bright stripy socks!
Donations in lieu of flowers please to Herriot Hospice Homecare and Maxi's Mates. A collection box will be available after the service or can be made via the online link: harry-weaver-1948-2025.muchloved.com
Resting at and all enquiries to Rea Funeral Service, 74 Newton Road, Great Ayton, TS9 6DG. Tel: 01642 724796.
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