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The obituary notice of June WALKER (Nee Fuller)

Hull | Published in: Hull Daily Mail.

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Robert A Drew & Son Funeral Directors
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JuneWALKERPassed away on Saturday 1st March 2025 at Hull Royal Infirmary aged 78, surrounded by her loving family.

Devoted wife of Bernard. Loving mum of Jacqueline, Michelle, Bernard, Mark and Wayne. Mother in law to John, Paul, Lisa, Julie and Lynda. A devoted nanna and great nanna.

A service to celebrate June's life will be held at Chanterlands Avenue Crematorium, (Large Chapel) on Tuesday 18th March at 1.30pm.

All Enquiries To

Robert A Drew and Son 78 Main Street, Willerby Tel 656537
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1410 visitors
Published: 07/03/2025
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Nan, where do I begin, I didn’t think I would be writing this any time soon. I always thought you and Grandad would live forever, you’ve been through so much ill health and always come through the other side with a smile on your face. You were small in stature but larger than life and always a fighter.

You were a proud woman, always perfectly put together. We never saw you without your hair and make-up perfectly done, your iconic orangish lipstick and always with an abundance of jewellery that I would sit and admire for hours as a child. You would tell me a story for each special piece. Even taking me to Henry Hirds where you bought me my first gold ring.

I remember rummaging through your handbag each time you came to visit, searching for hidden treasures, seeing what things we could find that were simply “you”. Admiring your shoes that were just so tiny! When visiting you I can still feel the joy of you giving us all 50p to spend at the corner shop on a bag full of goodies, feeling so grown up that we got to walk across the road to the shop all by ourselves. Sneaking into your front room which was always pristine, a special place where no one was really allowed, yet it added to the charm of your home. As I got older, our conversations became longer, and I cherished your strong opinions—never afraid to say what you thought, always speaking your mind. You stood up for us when Grandad jokingly wound us up, never really understanding his playful ways.

Thank you for always being so kind and patient with my girls. They both have such treasured memories of/ with their Great Nana Walker and will always remember how you made them feel with all the cuddles and laughter you brought.

Though you may be gone, your spirit lives on in the memories we cherish, in the lessons you taught us, and in the love you gave. You will always be a part of us.

Love always, Jordan, Mia and Kate xxxx
Candle fn_20
Dear June
Our days out, our holidays together from Santorini to Swallow Falls are often thought of with pleasure.
Thank you for those happy times, you will always be remembered with affection.
With love. Carol and Gwyn Beddington
Carol Beddington
Tribute photo for June WALKER
Carol Beddington
My heart felt sympathy to Bernard and family on the passing of such a warm caring lady june rip june 💔xx
June walker
Candle fn_2
June Walker
Dear Nan,

Where do I start.

You were a wonderful Nan. Caring and thoughtful, yet not afraid to say what you thought.

You were a very proud woman, always showing up each day with a nice frock, hair immaculately done, make up on and draped in jewellery. Certainly your signature look.

Even the last day I saw you, you didn’t feel 100%, but you still made the effort and showed up like you were ready to take on the world.

My memories are clear and I’ll cherish them forever.

From been served endless cups of tea everytime I would visit, to the point I went off tea for a while (I love it now, it’s my only hot drink of choice), to having sleep overs feeling like royalty. The front bedroom at 66 Coltman Street was fit for a queen. Beautiful furniture, a four poster bed, and many delicate ornaments. Likely the reason we were never allowed to touch anything :-)
You would always tuck me in at night and I would feel special and safe.

I also remember the time when you wanted to watch a movie one night in your front room downstairs, the room Grandad wasn’t allowed in due to his smelly pipe. The movie was “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcocks. I think I almost had nightmares after, but you enjoyed it, that’s all that matters.

Another fond memory is my first holiday abroad when you and Grandad took me to Gibraltar. I remember being very excited. Who knows, maybe this was the trigger that set me off on my travel bug.

Nan, you may be gone from my sight, but you will never be gone from my heart ❤️

Until we meet again xxxx
Corrina Mckinnel
Tribute photo for June WALKER
Corrina Mckinnel
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Corrina Mckinnel
My Mum…. a petite woman with beautiful dark brown eyes and ebony hair, someone who is immaculate, strong, resilient and had no fear in saying what she felt.
Thank you for the memories of our Holidays together; Wales, Bath, the Lakes, Venice and Santorini for our wedding to name a few; with Dad and John and of course Carol and Gwyn; who are our ‘partners in crime’.
As Mahatma Gandhi quoted ‘There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.’
Love you! Jac (Jacqueline)

Jacqueline Beddington