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The obituary notice of Bruce SMITH

Hull | Published in: Hull Daily Mail.

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BruceSMITHDied at home on 17th September 2024. Aged 76 years.

A dearly loved Dad, Father-in law, Grandad, Brother and Uncle who will be sadly missed.

Service and interment will be held at Eastern Cemetery, Preston Road on Wednesday 9th October at 1.00pm.

Family flowers only please, donations for the Macmillan Nurses may be left at the service.

Football shirts can be worn.
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1522 visitors
Published: 27/09/2024
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I miss you so much and to be honest I am still struggling without you. I can't talk to anyone as they just don't understand. I am sat hear crying like a baby writing this with a confused Rosie looking at me wondering why I am so sad.

I have been delaying selling your home for so long but today I have signed it off to be sold, it feels so wrong as it isn't mine. I know you understand and it is what you would have wanted me to do but it hurts so bad!

Rugby season has started, I know you know because you can hear those idiots across the road (You will need to explain that to me one day, I am so mad about it!) well I miss our chats. Hull have started better than expected so that's a good thing. City look like they will be safe from relegation so hopefully that will make you happy.

Linz has been amazing I made a great choice there.

And the kid...

Well she is still my baby girl but all grown up!!!

Love you Dad x
Its crazy that its been over 6 months since we last saw or spoke to you. You were always there when we needed you, always there to offer your opinion or advice or just simply to just listen. I wish you had been here to offer your support and a shoulder this last week.

This past couple of months we have found so many photo memories, its been nice looking through them and sharing them with the family, we found pictures that people didn't even know existed and that are now being treasured by the whole family. Honestly Bruce we never knew you were such a hoarder! I'm glad you were though because its given the family treasured memories.

We all miss you so much


Candle fn_25
Happy New Year, Grandad Bruce.
This is probably going to rival the pain I felt during Christmas where your absence will be monumental. This time last year, I was watching some stupid movie on the TV, curled up in your recliner chair as you asked me many questions about it. Had I known that just a year later, my life would look completely different, I would've appreciated my last New Year's Eve with you. It's a pretty sad way to look at things but you and I are alike in that sentiment even if you always tried to get me to be a 'glass half-full' girl, my pessimism shines through. I don't mind though, it always helped me get the encouraging advice only you could provide me with to help me keep my chin up and move on. Looking back on this year, there is nothing that I regret. You saw me in love, gave me the advice I needed when days got rough, always called me when you were down and kept our bond strong despite me growing up and beginning to spend less time with you. I will carry your memory with me into the New Year and the rest that follow, I'll curl it around me like a never-ending hug just so I know for sure that you have never truly left me. A family is forever and, no matter how far apart we are, you never truly leave us. When the clock strikes 12 tonight, I'll be spending it with the one I love just like you would've wanted and he'll keep me company tonight as I cross this first New Year without you.
Keep watching over me, Grandad Bruce, every firework in the sky tonight is dedicated to you.
Lots of everlasting hugs and kisses,
Your little bain
Merry Christmas, Grandad.
Today was so difficult for me, especially being woken up by someone else that wasn't you calling me to sing 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' as usual. It was nice to visit you today, on the day where family should always be together. All the way through the day, I was waiting for you to come through the door with my presents, dad's Jelly Babies and mum's After Eights. I'll always cherish last Christmas, your smile, your laugh and grumbles. I hope you know how much I adore you and cherish the nineteen years we had together. I will do my best to spend New Years with a smile on my face and start a new tradition to cherish just as much as our New Years together. Stone the ruddy crows, Grandad, I miss you. I hope you had a nice Christmas Dinner. Again, Merry Christmas, Grandad Bruce.
Lots of love and hugs,
Your little bain
Merry Christmas Bruce

Every time i open that door i expect to see you there, watching some form of sport but always with a smile on your face. I go to bed and still expect to hear you and Dave chatting away. Id give anything to have that back again.

It still hurts so bad that you are not here anymore. We should be chatting about Christmas and what time you are coming for your dinner and how the pups are going to be hyper all day, we all know those girls would have driven us round the twist all day, only stopping for their Christmas dinner!

We miss you Bruce ❤
Hi buce I miss talking to on the phone , I will be talking to you more soon, bet ur up there with mam n Fred having fun xx
Bruce please keep looking after my dad xx
I will always be thankful what u said to my dad at hospital to keep going love u Lisa,paddy n sumo xxx
Lisa Hewick
Hi Bruce my dad misses u and is chats and always talking about you , pls keep looking over my dad , like you did when u was around 🥰 hope ur with ur mam and Fred sleep tight ur brother Terry
I will always love u for what u said to my dad wen he was in hospital ur niece Lisa n paddy not forget sumo xxx
Lisa Hewick
I miss you so much, I am struggling to cope without you. I have so many questions and no Dad to ask for the answers.
I wait for everyone to go to bed before I show any emotion, then the tears flow. I don't want them to see me that way.
I miss you my favourite human, I hope I have the same impact on Elouises life as you had on mine.
You were the best!
