Thank you for looking after me when I was little. When I would say we had no food in our house and nothing to eat, yet you would always manage to make a meal.
For my memories of sleepovers at Slater Avenue, walking into town on a Saturday morning Grandad hairspraying his comb over before we left, picking up a lottery ticket and newspaper and going to the playhouse and jans jewels.
But most of all, for always telling me I’m doing a good job when I became a mother myself. I remember when I had Vienna, you told me it gets easier once they smile at you and you get something back, you were right.
There was never anything getting past you, even with final stages of dementia when Zachary walked past you would say he’s a right one, you’ve got to watch out for him 😂 dead right.
I’m so happy to say you got to meet all three of our children Vienna, Zachary and Sofia and that they got to meet you 💕
Your memory will live on as a role model and shining example of how to be a mother just like you were to your four children and when I am feeding Sofia I look at her and I know that’s all you would have cared about and wanted in life and when you passed because that’s what happens when you become a mum.
RIP Nana Reilly ❤️
Emma Cook