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Acknowledgement for Dorothy MATHIESON

Huddersfield | Published in: Huddersfield Examiner.

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DorothyMATHIESONBrenda and Allison would like to thank Aden Care Home, Primrose Hill for their dedicated care over the last 4 years, especially Marie the shift leader. Also to the staff on the Resus Ward, Ward 1 at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary for their care given to Dorothy. Finally thanks to the staff at Highfield Funeral Service for their professionalism and care shown throughout.
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Published: 15/01/2016
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Hello Grandma,

How are you? Some really, really sad news to let you know today, mum passed away last week, so I’m all alone now. I really hope she found you, dad and grandad and you can take care of her now for me. Please watch over me and let me know you are here for me when I really need someone. I'm sorry it's so short this time, but I am very, very upset and missing you all very much right now.
Ms Allison Yates
Tribute photo for DOROTHY MATHIESON
Ms Allison Yates
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Ms Allison Yates
Well here we are again, another Christmas without you. It has not been a good year this time, We have not been very well either of us. We had a quiet Christmas and Allison took our tree down on Boxing day, not good, she was fed up of seeing it dusty. It had been up since Late October. It is misty here and very cold, high winds are coming again, fed up of it. Nothing on the tv over Christmas only a load of repeats and rubbish. We had a games afternoon with Billy, he was quite happy as he won most of the games. Nothing new going on in the world only fighting and misery. Well time to get tea prepared, Love and miss you Brenda xxxxxxx
Mrs Brenda Bowyer
Tribute photo for DOROTHY MATHIESON
Mrs Brenda Bowyer
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Mrs Brenda Bowyer
Hello Grandma,

I can't believe it's been 9 years already. I'm sure you wouldn't recognise the world in which we now live, very, very sad what is happening all around the world. Christmas was a quiet one again just the three of us, the decorations were down on boxing day and the house back to rights again. I'm still struggling to get my eyes and face right, although I seem to be making slow progress with 4 months worth of antibiotics, I can hear you saying "what next". We've had fog here in Blackpool for the last few days, now it's cleared its turned very cold and miserable.

We did manage to get down the Christmas village on Christmas Eve and stuffed our faces with hot donuts drizzled with chocolate, yummy. Things are so expensive now, it's ridiculous how much it costs when you go to the supermarket.

We are planning ahead now ready for the start of the next season, although I think we will be slowing things down a bit this time as I now have a bad shoulder/arm which has left me with a silly thumb which feels permanently numb.

I kept my car this time, decided to take it for an extra 2 years so at least we haven't had the fuss of going round the garages looking for a new car this time!! I'm glad to be honest as it's a nice car, you'd like it although I'm not sure you'd get in it.

I miss my trips to Huddersfield although from what I read it's bad over there with crime and such but I guess that's everywhere these days.

Love you lots Grandma, miss you every day.

Alli xxxxx
Ms Allison Yates
Tribute photo for DOROTHY MATHIESON
Ms Allison Yates
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Ms Allison Yates
Well you would have been 97 what an age. What a lot you have missed. Alli has not been well, she is fed up now of it all, you would have said "oh boy" what next. We are busy here in Blackpool, we have been decorating a few places, and getting ready for a new season. We are busy now for a few weeks with dinners as well. We miss you so much and wish you were still with us. The world has changed so much you would not like it now, people are different, everything is now done on the phone, even your dryer for drying your clothes You turn lights on now with your phone, banking shopping all done on the phone. Not a nice place anymore. Well time to go, Alli needs her breakfast orders getting ready for the guests. Till next time love you loads. Brenda xxxxx
Mrs Brenda Bowyer