Joan, where do I even begin. Firstly I would like to say both you and John have been the most amazing mother and father in law to me.
I met you as a 19 year old girl and you taught me so much about how to be a good Mum.
Your house was always a safe haven for me and the girls and you always made me feel so very welcome. You were such an amazing Mum and Nan, the type you read about in stories. Always cooking, baking and taking care of us all, someone I could go to when I needed advice, so selfless and the matriarch of the family. I will never forget you coming to me on the morning of my wedding, with that huge smile and such kind words. The world was a better place with you in it and I will miss you more than you will ever know.
John is doing you proud and I promise we will look after him. You and John and the way you loved each other and loved your family is something so special, I am so grateful that you invited me into your family.
Meat and potato pie will never taste the same.
Goodnight my darling, I will love you forever xxx
Laura Hartley