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Acknowledgement for Clifford Samuel (Cliff) MCCARTNEY

Ormskirk | Published in: Ormskirk & Skelmesdale Advertiser.

MLS Independent Funeral Directors
MLS Independent Funeral Directors
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Clifford Samuel (Cliff)MCCARTNEYOctober 1, 2015 Aged 76 years Barbara and Family wish to express their sincere thanks to all friends and colleagues for the love and sympathy shown to us at Cliffs passing. Our thanks to all who participated at his thanksgiving service at St. Michaels Church Aughton and to his church family with whom he spent many happy years. Thanks to the staff and carers at the Beaufort Care Home in Burscough for their patience and loving care shown to both of us during his stay there. To the palliative care team at Southport Hospital our thanks, and finally for the love and attention shown to us by MLS Funeral Directors which helped us through this very sad time.
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190 visitors
Published: 15/10/2015
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