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The obituary notice of Tim JIBSON

Hull | Published in: Hull Daily Mail.

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TimJIBSONPassed away suddenly but peacefully on Sunday 9th February 2025, aged 76 years, surrounded by his loving family, after the most wonderful day on holiday,

Devoted Husband to Ann Marie, Dad to Michael, Paul and Lexi. Grandad to Flora, Rowan and Kaia. Amazing Uncle to Charlotte, Lauren, Lee, Mike, Amber and Harmony. In law to Paul, Sue, Caroline and Leanne. A good friend to many. Reunited with missed family members, but most importantly Brenda and Rose, who he missed ever so dearly.

A private service and cremation is to be held by family request.

Special memories and donations may be left online, if you wish to pay your respects.
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Published: 26/02/2025
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All great tributes to my friend Tim, OUR friend Tim. Sounds about Saturday. We worked together in late 70’s early 80’s.
He was ahead of the game in all possible ways, an innovator a trailblazer inspiration to many, encouraging and introducing them to the glories and mysteries of radio. He loved his home city and everyone loved him. So many memories and so many laughs. There will never be anyone like him again. A one-off lad from Hull..he never lost that touch💐
He will be missed by us all. Deepest condolences goes to his beautiful wife AnnMarie, who has ben at his side at all times, through thick and thin. Loving kind and the best most creative team in radio that the city has ever produced Katie x
Katie Teakle
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Katie Teakle
Working with Tim, his wonderful family and team was always fun, professional and with an edge of excitement as you magically broadcast from around the world in a world before the internet.
The Transatlantic satellite broadcasts we worked on together from Disney and alike were the highlight of our careers and were just a drop in the ocean of the global programmes of excellence he made technically possible.
Thank you for the expertise and friendship Tim, you will be missed. Ingrid & Lee ‘Hits Not Homework” xx
Ingrid & Lee
Tribute photo for Tim JIBSON
Ingrid & Lee
Tim was Mr Adventures in Radio and thanks to him and his passion for radio and travel I was able to broadcast from some of the most wonderful places in the world. My memorable trip included, Maldives, Melbourne and Hong Kong!!! I’ll never forget these times as they were extraordinary. Thank you for the adventures Tim. And to AnneMarie, I can only imagine how devastated you are and send you masses of love. You shared all of these adventures together, more than several couples could have shared in a life time. What a life you both lived. Big love again, JoJo xx
JoJo Kelly
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JoJo Kelly
It was because of Tim, Disneyland installed a new technology - well it was back in the day - with the acronym: ISDN.
(Basically a digital phone line.) He used it to transmit audio back and forth between radio stations in the UK and their On Air personalities sitting in the middle of the Disneyland Park. After that I had many adventures with Tim, Ann Marie - and a troupe of engineers, and radio presenters from the UK - running around the world. Tim and Ann Marie's friendship means a great deal to me. Condolences and best wishes to Ann Marie and the whole family. Although we didn't see each other that often anymore I am going to miss him very much. He was a great man and fun to work with. Love you Ann Marie.
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Gillian King